Pastor's Welcome
My name is Mitch Pridgen and I am the teaching pastor at Crosswalk Church in Daytona Beach. I am privileged to be the founding pastor as well.
Since the inception of Crosswalk Church in January of 2003, we have watched the family grow from a hand full of people meeting weekly in my home, to a few more meeting in a converted office-warehouse, to where we are today. Presently we are a solid church represented by dozens of committed families and individuals who dearly love the Lord Jesus and each other. Every week we enjoy coming together for the teaching of God’s Word, heart-felt worship, and genuine fellowship. This is a great place to pastor and as many will tell you, a great place to go to church.
My desire was in the beginning and remains today, to be faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the clear exposition of God’s Word. With the influx of postmodern thought and theology into the church today, I remain committed to the mandates of the apostle Paul to pastor Timothy in II Timothy 4:2, “Preach the word!” and Jude in Jude 3, “…contend earnestly for the faith that was once delivered to the saints.” May the Lord Jesus continue to grant us the grace to be faithful to this call?
Please allow me to extend to you an invitation to visit with us. I am persuaded you will be blessed and I know you will quickly feel the love and acceptance of this wonderful church family. God bless you.
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Our Staff

Pastor Mitch Pridgen,
Senior Pastor

Pastor Chris Johnson
Associate Pastor

Jason Mercer,

Jim Crossman,

Brandon Schmidt,